How To Pronounce Everything

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Alita te Balamont: uh-LEE-tuh tay BÆL-uh-mont  (Æ = ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

Amata te Darius: uh-MAH-tuh tay DARE-ee-uss

Anamandasett: ah-nah-mahn-DAH-set

Anderlith: ANN-der-lith

Anthelmin: ann-THELL-min

Arakikani: AH-rah-ki-KAHN-ee

Arn: AHRN (rhymes with ‘yarn’)

Artett Abna-gul: ahr-TET AB-nuh-GULL

astinelle: Æ-sti-nell (Æ = ‘a’ in ‘apple’) 

Avilar: Æ-vi-lahr (‘A’ as in ‘apple’)


bahnt BAHNT (rhymes with ‘want’)

bayette: bay-ETTE

Beda te Balamont: BAY-duh tay BÆL-uh-mont  (Æ = ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

beek: BEEK

Benbatahl: BENN-bah-TAHL

Beng: BENG (rhymes with ‘strength’ w/o the final ‘th’)

benroot: BENN-root

Bentain: ben-TANE

besk: BEHSK (rhymes w/desk)

bessamel: BEH-sah-mell

bima: BEE-mah

Binn: BIN

blayn: BLAYN

borkins: BORR-kinz

Brinlin te Calidane: BRIN-lin tay KÆL-i-dane  ( Æ = ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

bromin: BROH-minn

bunkles: BUNG-klz (rhymes with ‘uncles’)

Burlon te Bentain: BRR-lahn  tay  ben-TANE

Burlon te Laith: BRR-lahn  tay LAYTH


Calidane: KÆL-i-dane  (First syllable rhymes with ‘shall’)

Carbera te Torr: kar-BEHR-uh tay TOR

Cayman te Indirin: KAY-mun tay INN-der-inn

Chappal te Kendar: CHAP-uhl tay KEN-darr

chee: CHEE (Spoken in threes, like “well, well, well”)

Chenna te Laith: CHENN-uh tay LAYTH

Chibi: CHIH-bee (1st syllable is short i like ‘chip’)

chin-bah: CHIN-BAH (syllables equally weighted)

chingee: CHIN-jee

choff: CHOFF (rhymes with ‘off’)

chronorb: KROH-norb

chupala: chew-PAH-lah

Cirin te K’lar: KEER-in tay k’LAHR (1st syllable rhymes w ‘near,’ last syllable rhymes with ‘far’)

citqua: SIT-kwah

crabe: KRABE

crissinth:  krih-SINTH

Crovek te Balamont: KROH-veck tay BÆL-uh-mont  (Æ = ‘a’ in ‘apple’)


Dabin te Indirin: DAY-bin tay INN-der-inn

Dard te Avilar: DARD (rhymes with ‘hard’) tay Æ-vi-lar  (Æ = ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

darderry: DARR-duh-ree

dariiseri: DAIR-i-SAIR-ee (1st & 3rd syllable rhyme w/’hair’)              

Dedelon: DEH-duh-luhn

Deldora: del-DORR-uh

Demni: DEHM-nee

desh: DESH (rhymes with ‘fresh’)

Devik te Shelahn:  DEH-vik tay shuh-LAHN

didana idia: di-DAHN-ah ID-ee-ah

Di-gul: DYE-gull

dimbrel: DIM-brull

Dint te Darius: DINT (rhymes w/flint) tay DARE-ee-uss

distii: DISS-tee

d’limten: duh-LIM-ten

Doboro te K’lar: DOH-buh-roh tay k’LAHR

dok-watorn: DAHK-WAHTORN  (syllables equally weighted)

dorada: doh-RAH-dah

doro: DOH-roh

Dreff te Balamont: Drehff (rhymes with ‘Jeff’) tay Bæl-uh-mont ( æ = the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

Duv: DUV (the vowel sound rhymes with ‘book’)

dydanin: dye-DAN-in (rhymes with ‘my-FAN-in’)


Edin te K’lar: EE-din  tay k’LAHR

Egilene te Fliss: EGG-i-leen tay FLISS (rhyme with ‘kiss’)

Elander te Balamont: ee-LAND-er (rhymes w/ ‘meander’)  tay Bæl-uh-mont ( æ = ‘a’ in ‘apt’)

Ellis te Vell: ELL-iss (rhymes w/jealous) tay VELL (rhymes w/bell)

Er-gul: URR-gull

Estin te Balamont: EHST-inn tay Bæl-uh-mont (æ pronounced like the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)


faralat: FAIR-uh-latt

felk: FELK (rhymes with ‘elk’)

Fennin te Shelahn: FEHN-in tay shuh-LAHN

Figg: FIG (pronounced just like the fruit)

flagle: FLAY-gull

F’lala: fuh-LAH-luh

Florrik te Calidane: FLOR-ick tay  Kæl-i-dayn

Frake te Santelle: FRAYK tay san-TELL


galenberry: GAY-lenn-bair-ee

galens: GAY-lenz

Gara:  GAH-rah (Shodekekeen pronunciation of ‘Ingarra’)

garamog:  GAH-rah-mawg

geddel: GEH-dull (hard ‘G,’ rhymes with ‘meddle’)          

gegitt:  GEGG-it (First syllable starts w/hard g, rhymes w/‘egg’)

giessen: GEE-sun (Hard G, like ‘geese’)

ginglin: GING-glin (Hard ‘g’ starts both syllables, like ‘gun.’ First syllable rhymes with ‘ring.’)

glim: GLIM (rhymes with ‘dim’)

glinn: GLIN (rhymes with ‘grin’)

Gof: GAWF (rhymes with ‘cough’)

Gredin te Balamont: GREH-dn mont (rhymes w/‘redden’) tay Bæl-uh-mont ( æ = ‘a’ in ‘apt’)

griimoni: gri-MOH-nee (short i as in ‘it’, long O, long E)

g’ril: guh-RILL (same as first two syllables of ‘gorilla’)

Grrdin: GRRR-dn (Shodekekeen pronunciation of ‘Gredin’)

gyfte: GIFT


havonii: hah-VOH-nee

Hayla te K’lar: HAY-lah tay k’LAHR

Hesch: HESH (rhymes with ‘mesh’)

Heschanda: heh-SHAHN-dah

Hetamar: HETT-uh-marr (first syllable rhymes with ‘jet’)

hlao: HLOW (Voice the ‘h.’ Rhymes with ‘brown cow’)

hlaoling: HLAO-ling

hlette: HLET (Voice the h. Rhymes with ‘met’)

hlinga: HLING-guh (Voice the ‘h.’ Rhymes with Scandinavian name Inga.)

Horbil te K’lar: HORR-bull tay k’LAHR

horvin:  HORR-vin


Ibbin te Balamont: IB-in tay Bæl-uh-mont ( æ = the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

ildarian: ill-DAHR-ee-uhn   

ilian: ILL-ee-uhn

Ilthet te Fliss: ILL-thet tay FLISS (rhyme with ‘kiss’)

Ingarra te Balamont: In-GAR-uh (hard ‘g,’ rhymes/ ‘car’) tay Bæl-uh-mont ( æ = ‘a’ in ‘apt’)

Inthil te Bentain: IN-thull tay ben-TANE


Jallaina te Shelahn: juh-LAY-nuh tay shuh-LAHN

jelimar: JEH-li-marr

Jentana te Bentain: jenn-TAH-nah tay ben-TANE

Jostan: JAH-stun

Joth: JAHTH (like the ‘a’ in ‘father’)

Jothell: JAH-thull

Julen te Balamont: JOO-lin tay Bæl-uh-mont ( æ = the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)


kamesta: kuh-MESS-tuh

kardin: KAR-din (rhymes with ‘garden’)

Keegan te Fliss: KEE-gun tay FLISS  (rhymes with ‘kiss’)

kegitt: KEH-git 

kekeli: KEHK-ell-ee

kekitt: KEKK-it (First syllable rhymes w/’heck’)

Kendar: KEN-darr

Khest te Bentain: KEST tay ben-TANE

Kikaradd: KICK-ah-rahd

kilam: KILL-um

kippi: KIPP-ee

krag: KRAYG (rhymes w/plague)

krenks: KRENGKS

kuma: KOO-mah


Laith: LAYTH

Leel te Fliss: LEEL (rhymes w/feel) tay FLISS  (rhymes with ‘kiss’)

lentz: LENTZ  (rhymes with ‘pence’)

liipraaten:  lih-PRAY-ten

Likal te Bentain: LYE-kull (rhymes with Michael) tay ben-TANE

Lillig te Kendar: LILL-ig tay KEN-darr

lissanthel: lye-SANN-thell

Lor-gul: LORR-gull

lumik: LOO-mick

luminth: LOO-minth


maartza(s): MART-zah (plural: MART-zahz)

Majaya: muh-JYE-uh  (Middle syllable rhymes with ‘fly’)

maju-mako:  MAH-joo-MAH-koh

Mallar te Calidane: MÆ-lahr tay KÆL-i-dane  ( Æ = the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)              

Mamora/Mamoran: muh-MORR-uh / muh-MORR-uhn

manzell: mann-ZELL

Marakett te Balamont: MAH-rah-kett tay Bæl-uh-mont (æ like the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

Marin te Torr: MAIR-inn (rhymes w/‘barren’) tay TORR

merjins: MERR-jinz

Mellian: MEHL-ee-un

miichli:  MEECH-lee

 minui: MEEN-you-EE

Miri te Kendar: MIRR-ee (rhymes with ‘cheery’) tay KEN-darr

Mistilan te Avilar: MIST-i-lahn tay A-vi-lahr (‘A’ as in ‘apple’)

morg: MORGUE

Murnn: MRRN (rhymes with ‘learn’)


Nairn: NAIRN (rhymes with Scottish word ‘bairn’)

Nargo: NAHR-goh

Naria te Bentain: NARR-ee-uh tay ben-TANE

Neeth te Darius: NEETH tay DARE-ee-uss

nelfi: NELL-fee

nepp: NEPP (rhymes with ‘step’)

nifflin: NIFF-lin (short i in both syllables, as in Rin Tin Tin)

Nikbik: NICK-bick

Nitikikani: ni-ti-ki-KAHN-ee (Short ‘i’ like ‘it’ for first three syllables)

Norian te Kendar: NORR-ee-uhn tay KENN-darr

Nunellin te Vell: new-NELL-in tay VELL

Nur: NERR (rhymes with ‘blur’)


Octasectoriana: OK-ta-sek-TOR-ee-AH-nuh

Odoro: OH-duh-roh

Olifan: AH-liff-ann

olivan: OH-li-van

ombiri: ahm-BEER-ee

Orifam: ORR-i-fæm (Æ as in ‘apple’ or ‘shall’)

Osla te Kendar: AHS-luh tay KEN-darr

Ovek te Torr: OH-veck tay TOR


Palla te Laith: PÆL-uh tay LAYTH (First syllable of first name rhymes w/shall)

Palomar: PÆL-uh-marr (Æ as in ‘apple’ or ‘shall’)

Palomari: PÆL-oh-MAR-ee (æ = ‘a’ in apple, ‘mar’ rhymes with ‘star’)

patsina: pat-SEE-nuh

Payt te Laith: PATE tay LAYTH

Petron te Balamont: PEH-trahn tay Bæl-uh-mont ( æ pronounced like the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

Pilain: pill-LAYN

pimar: PEE-mahr

Pipla te Bentain: PIP-lah tay ben-TANE

piprill: PIP-prill  (short i in both syllables)

placrim: PLÆ-krim ( ( æ pronounced like the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

Pleet: PLEET

pletkin: PLEHT-kin

Plithik te Kendar: PLITH-ick tay KEN-darr

Polpethtira : puhl-PETH-tuh-rah

Pord: POURED (rhymes with ‘board’)

Portamara : POR-tuh-MARR-uh

praaten:  PRAY-ten

pravelin: PRÆ-vuh-linn  ( æ like ‘a’ in apple)

Prett: PREHT (rhymes with ‘vet’)

Prettian: PREHT-ee-uhn

Prettig: PREH-tig (hard ‘G’)


Q’iari: key-AH-ree


Ragar: RAY-gahr

Rangh: RAHNG (Consonants like ‘wrong’ but the vowel sound is ‘ah’)                             

ranomen: ræ-NOH-men  ( æ like ‘a’ in apple)

Ravor te Vell: RAY-vorr tay VELL

Refik te Balamont: reh-FEEK tay Bæl-uh-mont (æ like the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

Reller te Bentain: REH-ler tay ben-TANE

Relling: RELL-ing

Rig te Indirin: RIGG tay INN-der-inn

Riga te Balamont: REE-gah tay Bæl-uh-mont ( æ pronounced like the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

rista: RIST-uh

Rodorno / Rodornan: ruh-DORR-no / ruh-DORR-nan

roin: ROH-inn

rostti: RAW-stee

Rugen te Torr: ROO-gehn (hard g) tay TORR

ruparo: roo-PARR-oh          


Salderon te Indirin: SÆL-duh-ronn tay INN-der-inn ( æ pronounced like the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

sama: SAH-mah

Sarson te Vell: SAHR-sun tay VELL

sect: SEKT (rhymes with ‘wrecked’)

sectora: seck-TORR-uh

seela: SEE-lah

Shamkalak Urmo Memelo: SHAHM-kah-lahk ERR-moh MEH-muh-loh

Shamka: SHAHMMM-kuh (First syllable rhymes w/’bomb’) M drawn out

Shen-gul: SHENN-gull

Shoal te Avilar: SHOLE tay A-vi-lahr (‘A’ as in ‘apple’)

Shodekekeen: SHOW-duh-kuh-KEEN

Sholif: SHOH-liff

Silandra te Bentain: sil-AHN-druh tay ben-TANE

Sill te Torr: SILL tay TOR (rhymes with ‘floor’)

Simati Dobria: si-MAH-tee DOH-bree-uh

sitka: SITT-kah

spangin: SPANG-gin (hard ‘g’ at start of second syllable)

Sprygale: SPRY-gale (first syllable rhymes with ‘spy’)

Sprygalians: spry-GAY-lee-anz (first syllable rhymes with ‘spy’)

stezzin: STETZ-inn


stretz: STREHTZ

Sulian te Avilar: SOO-lee-un tay A-vi-lahr (‘A’ as in ‘apple’)


ta’ak: tah-AHK

tadema: tah-DAY-mah

Tay-gul: TAY-gull

teslan: TEZ-lahn  (first syllable rhymes with ‘yes’)

Tetarrin: TEH-tar-rinn

Tetralanna te Balamont: teh-truh-LAHN-ah tay Bæl-uh-mont ( æ = the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

Thalken: THAWL-kin

tharaman: THAIR-uh-mun

Tharnin te Balamont: THAHR-nin tay Bæl-uh-mont (æ like the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

tikbata: tick-BAH-tah

timte: TIMM-tee

tindala: tin-DAH-luh

tinka: TING-ka (1st syllable rhymes with ‘thing’)

tinta: TEEN-tah

Tirwin te Darius: TRR-win tay DAIR-ee-us

toro-maka:  TOH-roh-MAH-kah

Torr: TOR (rhymes with ‘store’)

toto: TOH-toh

Trafin te Calidane: TRÆ-finn tay KÆL-i-dane  ( Æ = the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

Tremena: treh-MEE-nuh

Trethen te Balamont: TREH-then tay Bæl-uh-mont

Trisectoriana: TRY-seck-TORR-ee-AH-nah


Ulin te Laith: YOU-linn tay LAYTH

Ulm te Kendar: UHLM tay KEN-darr

Unter te Balamont:   OON-ter tay Bæl-uh-mont


vaida-maki:  VAY-duh-MAH-kee

Vandi te Bentain: VÆN-dee tay ben-TAYN  ( Æ = the ‘a’ in ‘apple’)

Venna: VEHN-uh (first syllable rhymes with ‘hen’)

Vennan: VEHN-nun (first syllable rhymes with ‘hen’)

Vokastra: voh-KASS-truh (middle syllable rhymes with ‘class’)

vokes: VOKS (long o, rhymes with ‘pokes’)


Wilra: WILL-ruh

Wyve: WIVE (rhymes with ‘jive’)


Yaylay: YAY-lay

Yebda: YEB-duh

Yohn te Avilar: YOHN (rhymes w/ phone) tay A-vi-lahr (‘A’ as in ‘apple’)


Zanther te Kendar: ZANN-ther (rhymes with ‘panther’) tay KEN-darr

Zrach: ZRAHK