Stability, Taste, Nourishment

Grain is the most popular food item bartered in the Traders’ Market. Often, the more complex foods offered in some maartzas are a potential source of concern, since certain chemical elements can cause intestinal difficulties for other races. Grain, by contrast, is nutritious and is tolerated by a wide range of digestive systems. It also keeps well during transport.
Wilra Grain

The grain brought to Tradepoint by the Wilra ia particularly popular. When ground into flour and used in baking, it has a nutty taste that pleases many palates, and is used mainly for making bread. Unfortunately, the Wilra live at a great distance from Tradepoint. As a result, their visits are infrequent. When they do come to port, they bring a great quantity of grain, some of which is instantly purchased or bartered for by those races fortunate enough to be present at the time. The rest of that season’s consignment is then signed over by the Wilra to the Prett, to be made available for purchase through them during the Wilra’s absence. This approach works reasonably well, although the consigned supply of grain is always exhausted well before the wilra’s next visit to Tradepoint.
Beng Grain

The Beng are not particularly popular on Tradepoint but they do offer five different types of grain for purchase and barter, as well as various legumes and other dried foodstuffs. This wins them more tolerance from their fellow traders than they would otherwise experience. The varieties of Beng grain are beek, doro, faralat, piprill, and stezzen.