Yaylay trade teams consist of a hominid member and an avian member working in partnership, communicating through telepathy.

Yaylay trade teams consist of a hominid member and an avian member working in partnership, communicating through telepathy.
The various technocrats of Tradepoint are bewildered by the Vennans’ use of The Power.
Shared economic interests in an enclosed and diverse environment like Tradepoint encourages tolerance.
Recent reviews of THE TRADEPOINT SAGA (Refuge, Aftershock, and The Bereft) by JJ Blacklocke.
The Chiba are a tall, intelligent race, insectoid in form and belligerent by nature. Their traders are frequent visitors to Tradepoint.
The voice behind the Vennan audiobooks gives us a glimpse behind the curtain!
July 21, 2021 — A new 5-star review of THE BEREFT from a favorite reader!
Sebastián Hidalgo interviews JJ Blacklocke about The Tradepoint Saga. YouTube edition contains images from the series.
Visual posts highlighting different facets of the Vennan/Tradepoint interface.
A new review of THE BEREFT from Brian Burger.