Theramin is a delicately spiced drink which is highly favored by the Polpethtira and by the Vennans. Customarily served hot, it can be enjoyed at any temperature.

Theramin is a delicately spiced drink which is highly favored by the Polpethtira and by the Vennans. Customarily served hot, it can be enjoyed at any temperature.
Tradepoint is a place where many cultures meet. Check here for how to pronounce the unfamiliar names and words used on Tradepoint.
Collecting special stones was a childhood hobby of Gredin’s, but it has turned into much, much more.
Vennan bakers have a deft hand and an adventurous imagination when it comes to the pastries and other sweet treats they create.
The Hesch maartza is renown for its array of dried and preserved foodstuffs.
Vennans have the unusual ability to create light by transferring their own internal energy into various receptacles called luminth, which are usually fashioned from quartz-like rock.
Fruit is delicious but fragile. Only the Vennans have a way to circumvent that challenge and successfully bring a variety of fresh fruits to Tradepoint.
Many different varieties of grain are bought and sold at Tradepoint, due to grain’s stable nature in transport.
Mamoran traders are renown for bringing one of the most popular items on Tradepoint: the spice called kithris.
Technology and art both play a role in the goods brought to Tradepoint by the Polpethtira.