Yaylay trade teams consist of a hominid member and an avian member working in partnership, communicating through telepathy.

Yaylay trade teams consist of a hominid member and an avian member working in partnership, communicating through telepathy.
The Chiba are a tall, intelligent race, insectoid in form and belligerent by nature. Their traders are frequent visitors to Tradepoint.
The voice behind the Vennan audiobooks gives us a glimpse behind the curtain!
Here is a collection of illustrated glimpses into THE BEREFT and the lives of the Vennans.
Protocol can be particularly tricky when the Loovo are on Tradepoint.
This ornament from Jessie Myers was custom-made to commemorate the publication of REFUGE in 2020. I will treasure it forever.
AFTERSHOCK debuts on 1/12/21, preceded by 30 days of glimpses into this second book of The Tradepoint Saga on social media.
An early review of REFUGE from Obsessed Wallflower.
An early review of REFUGE with embedded links to illustrate it.
The tall and bird-like Hesch are fair but intimidating traders.